Within the context of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), common obsessions include, but are not limited to:

  • disturbing intrusive thoughts,

  • fear of germs/contamination,

  • relationship anxiety,

  • moral or religious perfectionism (scrupulosity),

  • an uncomfortable feeling of something “just not being right,” etc.

Often, there can be fear and discomfort around verbalizing these thoughts out loud, but trying to suppress the obsessive thoughts only reinforces the agonizing cycle of OCD.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is an evidence-based treatment for OCD, which involves intentional exposure to the feared thought or stimuli while also resisting compulsive behaviors that are meant to neutralize or avoid unwanted thoughts and feelings.

Lauren works with people at their own pace, creating structure for breaking out of the OCD cycle by taking small, tolerable steps toward facing the fear until a person regains control over their life.